Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why I don't recommend Amazon for Polish bras

When I found my Nessa bra (made in Poland) for such a good deal on Fruugo.ca , which is the exact same website as Lingerie-Superstore.com in the U.S., I then perused over to Amazon to look at the price. 

Price on amazon.com for Nessa bra in 32J US or (32GG UK)

Note: It says shipping from Mio Destino in the UK. If it didn't fit, you do have to pay to return it, it's not a prime item with free returns. So, free shipping to get the bra, but with tax is was $54.12 total. 

Here is Lingerie-Superstore.com's price 

$11.95 + $5.49 shipping. Awesome! Way cheaper. 

Also, looking at Canada's site, amazon.ca 

$64.81 cad + 5.99 cad shipping. Ships from Mio Destino in the UK -so they're all coming from the same place! 

So, here is the price in Canada on Fruuga.ca 

Again, it's so much less. $15.95 cad + $7.49 shipping. Amazon never gives you the discount! 

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Why I don't recommend Amazon for Polish bras

When I found my Nessa bra (made in Poland) for such a good deal on Fruugo.ca  , which is the exact same website as Lingerie-Superstore.com ...